Heat Treatment of Mattresses and Soft Furnishings for Bed Bugs

Bedbugs in Hotel beds and soft furnishings are an increasing problem in New Zealand and around the world, particularly in popular tourist destinations.

The BioVapor Heat system is 100% effective in treating bedbugs in mattresses, bases, all bed linen and bedclothes as well as any soft furnishings or ancillary furniture that is contaminated with bed bugs.



Key Benefits of BioVapor Treatment for Bedbugs:

  • mattressesChemical Free and Insecticide Free Solution – BioVapor heat treatment is 100% chemical free and is effective in treating all insect types and life stages across all areas in the mattress including the internal cavities that cannot be reached with insecticides.

  • Rapid Treatment Time - Typical treatment time takes around one hour for treating up to 10 mattresses at a time.

  • Treatment of Large Numbers of Beds – Over 100 mattresses per day can be treated if required from large hotel locations providing a same-day service to minimise any disruption to the hotel operations..

  • bed bugsNo withholding Period or Downtime in Room Availability – Due to no chemicals being used, the treated beds and bedding can be slept on immediately following treatment.